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BBC Radio 4 - And No Birds Sing: Rachel Carson and Silent Spring → Listen now (28 mins)
Wed 26 Dec 2012 21:00, BBC Radio 4

Rachel Carson and the legacy of Silent Spring →Link
Fifty years after the publication of the book that laid the foundations for the environmental movement, what have we learned from the biologist who saw the need for science to work with nature?
Robin McKie / The Observer, Sunday 27 May 2012

Rachel Carson Didn’t Kill Millions of Africans →Link
How the 50-year-old campaign against Silent Spring still distorts environmental debates.
By William Souder / SEPT. 4 2012 5:02 AM

What is the legacy of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring? →Link
Fifty years after its publication, Rachel Carson's investigation into pesticides still divides opinion.
Leo Hickman / Thursday 27 September 2012 18.10

Rachel Carson's Silent Spring Reaches Its 50th Anniversary →Link
How Silent Spring Became the First Shot in the War Over the Environment. 50 years old this month, Rachel Carson's book Silent Spring helped kickstart the environmental movement and led the U.S. to ban the pesticide DDT. So why do some people blame Carson for millions of malaria deaths in Africa?
By Bryan Walsh @bryanrwalshSept. 25, 2012